What they left behind…

Aside from the tales of brash men, there are more tangible things that will be left over once a pipeline is complete and buried deep beneath the ground. Years from now, when unearthed, people will see the archaeological remnants on the pipe from the workers who put their blood, sweat, and tears into building it…


Unfortunately, they will not be remembered as an artistically endowed group.


…Or poetic.


Common sense won’t be seen as their strong trait.

(It’s okay, Bob. You might not have been good at your job but at least you could do it high on crack).


Although it may look like they have their own alphabet and grammar, the oilfield workers have been known to follow the standard English one. Also, interestingly enough, sequential numbers are typically deemed straightforward. Here we can see that clarification was needed between how #51 and #52.


And when the despair sets in after being in the field for too long…

Fuck it all.

Leave your mark. We’ll remember you fondly.

The Subculture of Alberta and the Oilfield

If you live in Canada, chances are you know someone who has worked in the oil and gas industry. Fathers, uncles, brothers, boyfriends, etc. Some have been working there for years, others will go and do their “time”, make enough money and vow never to return. Anyone returning from the “patch”, will always have outlandish tales to regale their friends and family with.

Until you have witnessed it with your very eyes, you will never quite understand the oilfield. With contrast to the larger culture across Canada, the pipeline subculture is not openly known unless you are within the circle of the workers. You have heard the stories but you probably couldn’t differentiate between a pipeline, tar sands, and a rig. You probably call anyone who works in the oil and gas industry a “rig pig”. Although inaccurate, you are pretty close with that description. The industry is generally composed of rough, tough, rugged men. They drink, smoke, fight and swear worse than a sailor. They are known to frequent strip clubs or date the odd dancer. If you are lucky enough as my brother was, he inspired one dancer and she dedicate her stage name to him. Messed up? Of course. But that’s the how it goes when you are a migratory worker and hop from small town to small town or for the less fortunate, stationed in an isolated camp, hours from anything. A normal lifestyle is unheard of. It is an industry of sacrifice, whether that be the time away from your family/friends, dealing with the biggest assholes you could fathom, the quality of life for the time during your shift or the harsh climate you endure. Let’s not even address the state of your complexion and cuticles after grinding seams for 12 hours. Those who choose to work in the oilfield, do it for the money, nothing else.


Pros & Cons


One of the pros of being a woman on a pipeline: You never have to wait in line for the ladies’ room.

One of the cons of being a woman on a pipeline: There isn’t always a ladies’ room…